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Learner Registration
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Teacher Registration
First Name
Last Name
Cell Number (We will never share or sell your private information) We need your number in case we need to contact you regarding your Teacher Resources Requested or if you need Technical Support.
Schools Name
Which Learner Books are you using to teach with?
Subjects and Grades you Teach
Example: Grade 4 and 5 Natural Sciences,
List both the subject and the grade of the Teacher Resources you would like access to
Teachers using the Exploration Series Learner books for all their learners will be given free online access to the Exploration Series Teacher Guide and all the Teacher Resources. You will also be given access to a free Learning Management System (LMS) for your learners if needed. If you would like a PRINTED COPY of the Teacher Guide and/or a Flash Drive which includes all the Teacher Resources, please tick the block below and we will email you an Invoice.
Please Invoice me for a printed copy of the Teacher Guide at a Cost of - R300.00.00
Please Invoice for a Flash Drive with all the Prepared Lessons and Video's at a Cost of - R110.00
Please tell us about your position/role at the school